• Hispanic Marketing 101

Hispanic Marketing 101 is an eNewsletter with a bi-monthly circulation of 13,400. 

The three key categories of readers are Hispanic media professionals including editors from 625+ Latino newspapers and local magazines from across the USA and Latino community leaders.

Learn more & subscribe>

  • Latino Events

Latino Events was the evolution of a newsletter for the Latino Book & Family Festivals that was started in 1999. A new focus will be on webinars, digital events, and podcasts.

For those interested in the Latino community, business, and professional events around the USA.

Learn more & subscribe>

  • Somos Primos

Somos Primos is a publication dedicated to past and present articles, events and information concerning Hispanic heritage issues. 

The goal is to encourage family history research, with the mission of strengthening families and the individual’s self identity,  with a bridge to the past, and a connection to the present.

Learn more & subscribe>

  • Latin Heat

Latin Heat has been delivering inside Hollywood news focused on Latinos since 1992 when it began as a print trade publication. Provides business news coverage, latest breaking industry news, talent profiles, TV & films news, spotlight on talent in front and behind the camera, and inside research not found anywhere else on Latinos in Hollywood.

Learn more & subscribe>